Thursday, April 16, 2009

" I am Unaware"

Perhaps this one little reply by President Obama when asked about the Tea Parties sums it up better than anything how out of touch Washington DC is. "I was unaware."
Oh really?

I surmise we are to believe that like we are supposed to believe the President of the United States did not submit himself (and the country he represents) by bowing to a Muslim leader. In that case, however, we saw it with our own eyes. In this case,Homeland Security issued a warning abut "conservative radicals" in direct reference to the upcoming tea parties. I believe we, the people, can call the President's bluff again. Is he now saying, he is not aware of what Homeland Security issues?

This is insulting to Americans and Americans are now becoming aware of the superficial spin. Talk about transparency. The veneer of this Administration and its intent to have us become little beggars is more transparent every day.

I attended two tea parties on 4-15-2009 in Mobile and Fairhope Alabama. The otal people involved in these peaceful,non partisan gatherings were more than 1,500, not counting the horns blowing in support of passing cars or the people who would have been there had they not been working. Veterans, who have seen the best and the worst of America, were there by the hundreds and we heard their concerned and passionate voices. College students organized the Mobile tax party. Children were there with their parents, realizing their very future to a pursuit of happiness and liberty was at stake. Ocotgenarians were there because they had "not seen anything like this in my life." (The current downward spiral and control of the federal government) There were Obama supporters who held up signs statting this was NOT the change they had hoped for. There was mingling in crowds, a swell in our hearts as we introduced ourselves to each other...not as radicals and rebel rousers, but as Americans who want smaller government,a hope for the future and their Constitution back in one piece.

We collectively agreed the economic problems did not start with this Administration, but their Administration is driving a freight train through our Constitution and our rights. They are spending our money and selling out our country all at once. There is nothing unpatriotic about Americans of all colors,culture, party affiliations and backgrounds gathering to say "NO MORE."

THAT is what the President needs to be aware of!

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