Thursday, May 21, 2009

Visions for ZZ and Hank

As a mother, I find it outrageous when slanderous and denigrating remarks are hurled at people like Ms. Prejean, a woman-someone else's daughter-who was brave enough to answer a question honestly, or at those who dare to ask an honest question- as Joe the Plumber-all because their thoughts and beliefs don't run parallel to those of the far left.

Unsubstantiated, unwarrented, and vile remarks were thrown around by the media about the Tea Parties and those Americans who attended. Since when does America punish and humiliate citizens who come together for a peaceful protest? One of the main objectives of the media should be to hold the government accountable for its actions.- NOT stomp all over our rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. This is inexcusable.

As a GRANDMOTHER, I am appalled!! This is NOT the America I envision for my grandchildren. I do not envision my grandchildren going to college on the government's dime and so doing, "volunteering" for work of the government's choosing. I DO envision them not being afraid to study hard, earning good grades, and attending a college of their choice even if it means having to work to pay for their own tuition as I did. At the very least there is pride in that achievement and working towards a goal that suits your ambitions.

I envision joyfully the prospect of my grandchildren becoming responsible for their actions and choices. It is there through trial and error that character is built and goals are achieved. I do not envision the government meeting their needs as if my grandchildren do not have a discerning brain.

I envision with joyfullness, my grandchildren standing strong in mind and body because they chose to nurture both of their own accord, indeed,I expect them to not crumble under such horrible adjectives that are thrown like mud in their faces when they disagree with someone else, even if that person wishes them "kidney failure." For Pete's sake, what is America coming to that such nasty things are said of each other and then laughed at by the President of the United States, no less??!!

I envision my grandchildren developing a philanthropist spirit, seeking to help those who touch their own hearts. I do not envision them having to serve or volunteer for groups of people that they do not agree with because they "owe" the government service in return for their "education."

I envision for ZZ and Hank an America in which tolerance is a way of life and religious freedoms are not only acceptable but actually encouraged.

I envision for my grandchildren a hunger for knowledge and not indoctrination in what they should believe in or values they may be forced to embrace such as abortion, gay marriage, sharia law, or global warming, to name just a few agendas.

When I hold my grandchildren, I envision it is ME, not the government that is shielding them for safekeeping. It is ME helping to shape their morals, values and principles..not the government.

I envision joyfullness for my grandchildren. It is a vision, NOT an agenda. That gives me hope for their future when I hold a vision up for them. I am holding these visions close to my heart and in my prayers. Thankfully, I know I am not alone in the grandmother world when it is comes to that. God Bless us all. Romans 14:17

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My Posts here on my site are rough drafts to myself and to be quite frank, I haven't learned how to edit them once I post them on my the disclaimer is there will be mistakes. If you click on to the smart girl politics site to the right, you may see my post published there. It will be grammatically correct and the text may have been edited by me or SGP before the actual posting. Anyway...54 and still learning.

Here then, is the video I finally attached to my SGP posting to go along with the article below.

Discourse in (Dis) Honesty

I am pretty sure most parents teach their children to tell the truth. We should expect no less from our Commander in Chief. Especially one who had the audacity to hope we would believe him or enough of us anyway.

The discussion of lately has been Obama's first 100 days in office and his approval rating. The following I was able to glean from and put in my own words. So let me just put it out here this way: if your child or spouse had been caught lying at least 7 times in the last 3 months, would you, could you conceive of a possible sociopathic disregard for, um, let's see, integrity?! Call me a right wing nut case, but I do expect a certain amount of honesty from the President.

How about we put it in Obamas own interpretation: "transparency." That brings me to the lie: "five days of public comment before a bill lands on my desk." Not only has the public been left out of review the stimulus bill and subsequent bills but our elected officials did not even get the chance to read it before it was ushered into a quick vote. I doubt Obama even read it before he signed it. But we all know that old story, so let's move on to another lie. How about "no lobbyists" appointees until they have been out of the lobbying business for 2 years. Why, in front of the whole nation, he signed an Executive Order stating that. Loopholes and waivers, however have allowed the assignment or nominations of no fewer than 4 recent lobbyist for Goldman Sacs appointed as chief of staff to Geithner himself. No conflict of interest there!!??

Two other promises that have haven't even seen the light of day BUT would have been great for stimulating the economy was penalty free withdrawal from 401Ks up to $10,000 and no income tax for Seniors making less than $50,000. They didn't even make inside of the stimulus package, but even worse, they are not even up for any legislation. We must have "misinterpreted" his intentions.

Hey, how about the broken promise of confronting Turkey about their past genocide in 1915? Obama was a tough talking he man about that until he actually went to Turkey. Then, I guess the idiotic political correctness took over because the word never got past his vocal chords.

Who among us can forget the promise of making it impossible for Congress to get Pork into the stimulus package. That was another "misunderstanding" I suppose.

Listen my point is if my husband has said so many out and out lies in so many days, there would be talk of divorce and my children, if guilty of the above, would be in counseling.

So when Obama says he is not going to be using his prize trophy Arlen Spector as "political padding", I suppose we are to believe that also.

I confess I haven't learned to post a video yet, so google "Barack Obama: Public to view for 5 day bills before they land on my desk" video or go to Politicofacts. I know this drive technoliberals crazy so I just may never learn. And that's the truth!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bad Moon Rising: News Schemedia

I see a Bad Moon rising over America! I am not sure where I was that I did not see what happened to commentator John Zieglar when he was handcuffed by security at the USC Annenburg School of Journalism until I saw it on an internet video today. Oh my goodness America! Bill of Rights: First Amendment!! Establishment Clause, Free Exercise Clause; Freedom of speech,OF THE PRESS, Freedom of Religion, and OF ASSEMBLY; right to petition.

Oh, I know where I was, exercising my "freedom of assembly" with tens of thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of other peaceful Americans of all color and party affiliation or lack of on 4-15-2009. The "news" media, if you want to call it that all but completely dismissed fellow Americans coming together to say we want fiscal responsiblity from our Federal Government. How does the media call itself responsible news when it is prone to dismiss fellow Americans like that? Even worse, our President barely gave it notice and "we, the people" are his boss according to the Constitution. He should be listening with all ears. This should have been an avenue for conversation between the President, congress and the people. But no one of "importance" is listening and our rights are treated as so much folly.

But let's get back to poor John Zieglar, a legitimate documentary filmmaker who was standing outside of, on public property, Annenburg School of Journalism (that's right...journalism) He was asking questions, oh the horror of investigative reporting, of why people wanted to attend this event that honored Katie Couric for her "biased" reporting of Sarah Palin. He was on public property,did I mention that? He was intending to pass out free documentaries of his film about the unfairness of the mainstream media as well when...drum roll please...he was handcuffed for reporting a media event. Please refer to the First Amendment. He was not haranguing anyone nor protesting or causing a scene. He was reporting.

So let's recap very briefly but very importantly two events on the same day that were either dismissed or punished by the mainstream media. (By the way, please hold your comments until you have actually viewed the video of John Zieglar being handcuffed)

First event: National Tea Party attended by American taxpaying citizens all over the nation in peaceful protest.
Second event: Filmmaker, who was not breaking any laws, but covering an event as a reporter is apt to do, and handcuffed with the threat of arrest because obviously he was, oh no, say it isn't so, QUESTIONING people as they walked by.

I am with fellow writer, Natalie; call me whatever you want, a right wing nut or zealot of something just as uncreative. Profanity is not necessary. I will only say, "thank you." I hope I will be joining thousands of other Americans who stand with John and the First Amendment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

" I am Unaware"

Perhaps this one little reply by President Obama when asked about the Tea Parties sums it up better than anything how out of touch Washington DC is. "I was unaware."
Oh really?

I surmise we are to believe that like we are supposed to believe the President of the United States did not submit himself (and the country he represents) by bowing to a Muslim leader. In that case, however, we saw it with our own eyes. In this case,Homeland Security issued a warning abut "conservative radicals" in direct reference to the upcoming tea parties. I believe we, the people, can call the President's bluff again. Is he now saying, he is not aware of what Homeland Security issues?

This is insulting to Americans and Americans are now becoming aware of the superficial spin. Talk about transparency. The veneer of this Administration and its intent to have us become little beggars is more transparent every day.

I attended two tea parties on 4-15-2009 in Mobile and Fairhope Alabama. The otal people involved in these peaceful,non partisan gatherings were more than 1,500, not counting the horns blowing in support of passing cars or the people who would have been there had they not been working. Veterans, who have seen the best and the worst of America, were there by the hundreds and we heard their concerned and passionate voices. College students organized the Mobile tax party. Children were there with their parents, realizing their very future to a pursuit of happiness and liberty was at stake. Ocotgenarians were there because they had "not seen anything like this in my life." (The current downward spiral and control of the federal government) There were Obama supporters who held up signs statting this was NOT the change they had hoped for. There was mingling in crowds, a swell in our hearts as we introduced ourselves to each other...not as radicals and rebel rousers, but as Americans who want smaller government,a hope for the future and their Constitution back in one piece.

We collectively agreed the economic problems did not start with this Administration, but their Administration is driving a freight train through our Constitution and our rights. They are spending our money and selling out our country all at once. There is nothing unpatriotic about Americans of all colors,culture, party affiliations and backgrounds gathering to say "NO MORE."

THAT is what the President needs to be aware of!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The presentiment that this country was facing a "crisis" in values and principles began with the election of 2008. Never before had there been a candidate with such a shallow, questionable and untested background and yet, Americans, as a free people, were subjected to labels if they dared to delve into the candidates background. Indeed, the opposing candidate was subject to ridicule even though he had served America heroically and honorably. The fall from our values and principles began with the failure of the citizens to delve into the aforementioned background anyway. Now, we are at the risk of change like America has never seen...change that could strip away our very right to pursuit of happiness.

It is time that we - this author included - refamiliarize ourselves with the American Constitution, for it is on the chopping block. Knowledge, they say, is power and it would be highly feasible for us Americans to get know our founding fathers intent so we may, in the future, realize whether our candidates stand by the constitution or seek to "change" it.

Now, I am hoping that this candidate will learn to respect our constitution and not seek to redefine it. That is why it is so imperative, that we, the people hold him to that respect.