Thursday, May 21, 2009

Visions for ZZ and Hank

As a mother, I find it outrageous when slanderous and denigrating remarks are hurled at people like Ms. Prejean, a woman-someone else's daughter-who was brave enough to answer a question honestly, or at those who dare to ask an honest question- as Joe the Plumber-all because their thoughts and beliefs don't run parallel to those of the far left.

Unsubstantiated, unwarrented, and vile remarks were thrown around by the media about the Tea Parties and those Americans who attended. Since when does America punish and humiliate citizens who come together for a peaceful protest? One of the main objectives of the media should be to hold the government accountable for its actions.- NOT stomp all over our rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. This is inexcusable.

As a GRANDMOTHER, I am appalled!! This is NOT the America I envision for my grandchildren. I do not envision my grandchildren going to college on the government's dime and so doing, "volunteering" for work of the government's choosing. I DO envision them not being afraid to study hard, earning good grades, and attending a college of their choice even if it means having to work to pay for their own tuition as I did. At the very least there is pride in that achievement and working towards a goal that suits your ambitions.

I envision joyfully the prospect of my grandchildren becoming responsible for their actions and choices. It is there through trial and error that character is built and goals are achieved. I do not envision the government meeting their needs as if my grandchildren do not have a discerning brain.

I envision with joyfullness, my grandchildren standing strong in mind and body because they chose to nurture both of their own accord, indeed,I expect them to not crumble under such horrible adjectives that are thrown like mud in their faces when they disagree with someone else, even if that person wishes them "kidney failure." For Pete's sake, what is America coming to that such nasty things are said of each other and then laughed at by the President of the United States, no less??!!

I envision my grandchildren developing a philanthropist spirit, seeking to help those who touch their own hearts. I do not envision them having to serve or volunteer for groups of people that they do not agree with because they "owe" the government service in return for their "education."

I envision for ZZ and Hank an America in which tolerance is a way of life and religious freedoms are not only acceptable but actually encouraged.

I envision for my grandchildren a hunger for knowledge and not indoctrination in what they should believe in or values they may be forced to embrace such as abortion, gay marriage, sharia law, or global warming, to name just a few agendas.

When I hold my grandchildren, I envision it is ME, not the government that is shielding them for safekeeping. It is ME helping to shape their morals, values and principles..not the government.

I envision joyfullness for my grandchildren. It is a vision, NOT an agenda. That gives me hope for their future when I hold a vision up for them. I am holding these visions close to my heart and in my prayers. Thankfully, I know I am not alone in the grandmother world when it is comes to that. God Bless us all. Romans 14:17